PreWed - Teaser

*fresh from the oven*

today i was having a prewed shooting. it was a really ad-hoc plan. susah ok to arrange a session bila sorang di johor/kedah, sorang lagi kt kl/selangor. nak dapat jumpa pun susah, apa tah lg nak plan something like prewed shooting. bila jumpa banyak lagi hal2 lain yg kena uruskan.

untuk settlekan urusan2 penting pasal kawin, my dear fiance amik cuti for a few days. dan ada a day yang 'free' from any other important business. then, we decided to have a prewed shoot in a studio. huhu.. angan2 nak shoot kat UPM la, kat taman metropolitan kepong, la haha..xdapek la. tak sempat dah. nanti lah kot2 ada masa later2 lepas kawin boleh realisasikan impian tu.

being me, by hook or by crook, i still need to do at least a little surveying of anything before deciding part. survey sikit2 ajo lah. dah la last minutes kan. still need something yang cantik dan murah. susah gak la. ramai yg tak available. or over my budget.

thanks to BBF! i found a good deal from there. :) ramai yang sgt helpful bg suggestion here n there. alhamdulillah~ urusan dipermudahkan.

so, here's some teaser for you :)

and i present to you my lovely MUA

the beautiful MUA, Vee Elfaiizien
cantik kan dia?

Make up Artist

Vee Elfaiizien
website :

was recommended by LiyanaMK. huhu.. vee sangat cantik & soft spoken. cair aku~ serius. dah la understanding.. disebabkan aku ni kelam kabut ke sana sini dgn last minutes baru dpt contact vee, sampai tak sempat nk bank in deposit. nasib baik vee ok. (special case only ok. jangan request nak buat camni tau! dia sgt baik, jgn cuba2 amik kesempatan) dia make up sangat details. no eyebrows trim but i still look tantek *, aku sangat perasan cun satu hari ni* she's on-time. vee sampai dulu, much earlier than me yang sesat barat x jumpa studio ni. siap vee n her husband yang came n pick us up kt petronas. huhu.. nice sangat. she's a mother of 3yrs old prince. hot mama i can say. serious dia sangat cantek. dan sangat puas hati with her work. siap dapat tips2 lagi. :) mekap tahan sampai malam. gua bantai makan kat mamak tadi pon dengan mekap. kehkehkeh..

all the pictures credits to her! :) tak sabao kan nak tunggu from OP. vee sent from her camera dulu. hehe..more review you can find here.

thank you dear vee!


Colors Work Ent.
Location : Seksyen 7, Shah Alam
Contact : 03-55664192
Facebook :
Photographers : Fahmi Haikal & Adam

was recommended by Phya (huhu..x jumpa blog phya. sape ade info? *updated- dah dapat! hehe) masa post wall kt BBF. ting! rejeki rejeki. murah kot! siap photographer. memang segala urusan booking aku contact dengan phya. but unfortunately, tadi tak dapat nk jumpa phya. (she was a gorgeous bride!) sebab dia ada wedding to attend. OP on job tadi Fahmi & Adam. cool dua2 orang ni. siap on the spot pegi kedai cari extra prop la, print wording la. melayan je aksi2 kitorg. diorang memang best! plus to that, the cheapest rate i can found. tak sabar nak tengok gambar2 drp diorang! hehe.. will update more pics later ok. aku pilih shoot n burn je. later baru pk nk print yg mana. thanks phya! thanks fahmi! thanks adam! i had so much fun today.

special thanks to my dear good friend, Maz yang memang jadi subphotographer cum penceria suasana cum prop. :) lebiu!


dyll basri said…
baju ko lawa + MUA ko sungguh gojesss...
dyll basri said…
eh tidak ketinggalan, makeup juga chantekkk.. ko chantek lah!!! jelessss (sume nak jelesss..)
hana yoriee said…
waahh..cantek kecik! bagus lah MUA n OP sume..=)
harzharun said…
kechik !..make up tu wat ko nampak sgt ayu mek!..jeles2...hahaha
Cik Belle said…
haa, aku nak suggest die ni la.. aku tgk kat blog nadia bayu ritu... tapi tak dan nak reply msg ko, handphone dah takde batt. nasib ko buat good decision. =)

tantekk.. hehe
Elya Roza said…
makeup cantikkkkk!!!
suke dgn baju ko ...
lovelyadibah said…
huuu~...cerianyer kecik!!:)

suka2~ cantik!:)pe la agaknyer props yang ada:P
Inimeeya said…
SK cantek and all perfecto!!=)
Mrs Kecik said…
dyll: aku tak tanteeekk kee...hahahaha. tp tantek kaann..

hana: the best i can say so far!

harz: ayu ke? aku rasa glams ok. haha..

cik belle: ooo ye ke..liyana yg suggest. terus suka bila gmba2 dia.

elya: tantek kan..baju murah je..haha..

adibah: tak smpat pk konsep lain selain colorful. hehe..tenkiu babe

meeya: kan..aku pun perasan cun. haha..
Mysarah Rahman said…
suka sangat your makeup! nampak sweet sangat especially tang mata. nampak outstanding. cumel la ko!!
sophie said…,here's my blog ;) - phya
Anonymous said…
si kecil sungguh cantik..dgn baju yg sesuai & gmbr yg lawa..senang nya yg lawa betul..:-) manis
Unknown said…
Kaler2 warna warni!!!santek!!!:D
make up cantikkkk..
owh dan payung kalerfull itu jugak cantik!=)
Aimi Hakim said…
nape semua chantekkkkkkk....*speechless..uhuu..=)
Mrs Kecik said…
mysarah: menggoda okeh mata i..ekeke..

phya!!! yeay.. thanks alot babe!

mia-ina: mekap memang la cantek..MUA tu pandai. hihi..saya biasa2 ja.

q: ceria kaann..

mawar: payung tu sangat penyelamat.. x smpat cari prop lain.huhu..

miey ana: hahaha.. magic touch of make up.
amy said…
cantik cantik cantik cantik!!!!
Lala said…
alolololo...comey sgt lah dear!!
Unknown said…
u dah yg dah mmg cantik. campo plak ngan mekap cantik oleh mua yg mmg gojes tu. mmg nampak perfek!

hi vee cayunk! *wink*
Mrs Kecik said…
amy: tenkiu tenkiu tenkiu! mekap tu yg buat i cantek..

lala: haha..tenkiu..syok dpt jd cantek satu hari.

lind: haha..tak lah. i jadi cantek lps MUA cantik tu syok dpt jd cantik satu hari.
aishhhhh~!!! tuan tanah mmg sdia cantik~! makeup tu pnambah seri je ^^ kite semua kan dcipta cantik2 ecehhh :))
eh~!! lupe...many thanks tO si kecil yg mmg kcil mOlek orgnye atas kepercayaan yg dberi pd Elfaiiziens crew~! we appreciate it very much~! muchOs gracias muah! muah! *luv
QueenBz said…
kau sangat ayu mekkk! kalau wedding sure lagi ayu kot :)
tahniah MUA :D the best! tibe2 rase nak asde MUA jugak buat outdoor nanti :)
nizabeba said…
whoaa canteknye mekap!! i loike!! baju ko comey! =)
Bushra Tajuddin said…
kechik.. sgt cantek la make up~!!
KA-ZE said…
salam..cute nye awak..hehe..em, camne nak contact vee tu ye?tq :)
Nazierah said…
sis, ade no phone MUA tu x? sye email dier x reply2 pon...kat blog dier xde no phone plak
Anonymous said…
Salam, boleh x saya nak contact number Vee El Faiziens? Saya try email but no reply..saya sangat2 berminat dgn make up by her. PLeasee help :)