the next in the list
he is here now. with me in Kulai. for 2 days. hari ni dah nak balik. :( did i tell you LDR is never easy? huh. okay, put that aside first.
i love him more n more everyday. alhamdulillah. i am really grateful with this feeling.
semalam p dating. it's been a while. selalunya keluar untuk settlekan hal2 tertentu. pegi cari barang, amik barang, kenduri, etc etc. semalam plan nk tengok wayang Fast 5. ciskek betul Johor tak sampai lagi cite tu. esok baru keluar. esok nak p tgk ngn saappee...tunang aku dah baaliikk laa..! eeii.. emo. haha...
since the movie is not available n takdak movie lain yg menarek. semua cite hantu je. nyampah aku. so we just have a walk and talk. guess what? we end up went into babystuff boutique one into another. :) maklum la, nk survey barang kawen mcm dh setel n dah penat pk. lagipun nothing much we can do in johor.
well, this is not the first time for him. he did his own survey before. he knew more about the stroller n katil baby tu. i'm impressed! i love watching him beriya2 check out the price n functionality of the stuffs.
last weekend, we went to Q&A's home. she's a mommy-to-be. comel je perut. haha. yes, you are glowing babe. malas nk puji depan2. ;P then, Qistin told me about the baby movements. at the early stage, baby dok buat flying kick ja. but nowadays, dia dah buat somersault berpusing. n my dear fiance komen on the spot, waah, bestnya! n he said kalo i pregnant nanti, dia nak rasa masa tu. hehehe..aku yg malu2 kambing masa tu.
hehe..comel kan? hmm.. we don't have specific planning for the kids. kalau ada rezeki awal, alhamdulillah. kalau belum, we'll be fine too.
hiks, lagi sebulan nak kawen, tapi dah cite pasal baby2. hehe..
i love him more n more everyday. alhamdulillah. i am really grateful with this feeling.
semalam p dating. it's been a while. selalunya keluar untuk settlekan hal2 tertentu. pegi cari barang, amik barang, kenduri, etc etc. semalam plan nk tengok wayang Fast 5. ciskek betul Johor tak sampai lagi cite tu. esok baru keluar. esok nak p tgk ngn saappee...tunang aku dah baaliikk laa..! eeii.. emo. haha...
since the movie is not available n takdak movie lain yg menarek. semua cite hantu je. nyampah aku. so we just have a walk and talk. guess what? we end up went into babystuff boutique one into another. :) maklum la, nk survey barang kawen mcm dh setel n dah penat pk. lagipun nothing much we can do in johor.
well, this is not the first time for him. he did his own survey before. he knew more about the stroller n katil baby tu. i'm impressed! i love watching him beriya2 check out the price n functionality of the stuffs.
last weekend, we went to Q&A's home. she's a mommy-to-be. comel je perut. haha. yes, you are glowing babe. malas nk puji depan2. ;P then, Qistin told me about the baby movements. at the early stage, baby dok buat flying kick ja. but nowadays, dia dah buat somersault berpusing. n my dear fiance komen on the spot, waah, bestnya! n he said kalo i pregnant nanti, dia nak rasa masa tu. hehehe..aku yg malu2 kambing masa tu.
hehe..comel kan? hmm.. we don't have specific planning for the kids. kalau ada rezeki awal, alhamdulillah. kalau belum, we'll be fine too.
hiks, lagi sebulan nak kawen, tapi dah cite pasal baby2. hehe..
wahhh, lagi sebulan. x lame dah.
salam kenal :)
mimi: hihi..kawen pon belum. gedik je lebih ni..
all the best nasrah..=)
jom join mommy club cepat2! =)
cikmatahari: eh ye ke? kt part mana tu? haha
cikkin: cumel kan..haha..
yumie: thanks. aku lek2 aje. tp best eh layan brg2 baby ni.
amalina: aminn..hehe..malu plak tibe2.
pasangan dba pun leh tahan gak excited cter pasal baby..hehe~..
*ok, amir sgt comey masa dia ckp tu... cam x sabaq ja nak rasa... and the fact that dia dah pi survey sendiri sgt mengkagumkan~~
**aku dah tau aku nak apa... aku nak CD (cloth diaper)! nak tambah koleksi... hehe.