a happy phone call

received a phone call from mama n abah. excitedly told me about the VIP doorgift, bunga pahar n bunga telur for bertandang. :) happy. done by my dearest neighbour, auntie zam yang also super excited helping up mama to prepare for the wedding. they sent me the mms. but, henpon gua canggih sangat ok. boleh call n sms je. business card pon xsampai. huhu.

but i'm sure, those things are so beautiful. as mama said so.

i am so lucky to have generous n helpful neighbours. they help alot. betul lah jiran tu macam sedara mara, sehinggakan boleh mewasiatkan harta.

my mom is a super anxious and perfectionist person. while my dad is superlove my mom n kinda dictator. hehe.. my mom is one of those people yang sangat anxious with 'what others would say'. i always, always hear the argument point from her, 'tak boleh la mcm tu..kena la macam ni..nanti ORANG TENGOK..nanti ORANG KATA..' honestly, it's tiring. i am the opposite person. she is skema too. tau skema? kena buat mcm mana org buat. even though, it's ridiculous (to me).

but that's how she is. dah penat argue. suka hati lah. back to the main niat, aku nak kawen. n i want my parents to be happy. so, i let her do what she likes. hehe.. bukan mama nak sabotaj aku pun kan. she just want the best for her only princess. cewaah.. regardless kalau aku rasa menda tu tah apa2 pun. hahaha.. ok aku ni kadang2 terlebih rational. so, memang boleh abaikan pun pendapat aku ni. kang aku nikah koboi je. janji kawen kan. ekekeke..

i love her to the max. all my heart. i love abah so much too.
seriously can't live without them.
okeh, dah bergenang air mata. cis..hati kuntum..

kesimpulan, aku suka bila mama abah sangat happy.

i will update menda2 tu with pictures later. which is tatau bila nk balik kedah. huhu..


amy said…
same with my mum!! mase awal-awal dulu siap gaduh2 sebab beliau asyik ikut cakap org tu, ikut cakap org ni..
but now..tak kesah da. buat je la ape pun. lari tema larilah..yang penting dorang hepy..
~ NANA ~ said…
untung u ade jiran camtu :) btw my mom pon sama camtu...hihi
cik senah said…
untung ada jiran caring laghu tue nohh.. hehe.. chek takdak arr.. semuanya berlengkaq di sekitar adik-beradikku yg seramai 9 org sahaja.. malaih nak kembangkan jaringan persiapan perkahwinan chek Nov. nie kepada bilangan org yg terlampau ramai.. coz.. lagi ramai.. lagi byk pe'el.. chek gak mkn hati coz tak dapat dream wedding chek.sebab dok pulun jaga hati org..

p.s : Chek mcm kecik gakk.. ikut hati.. mau ringkas2 saja (istilah koboi lagik senang difahami.. ).. Malaih nak pikiaq apa org kata.. hehe.. Tp, bila mai bab mak ayah nie.. payah arr nak bantah.. satgi..tak cium bau syurga pulakkk.. huhuhu!! - Happy preparing to u kecikkk!! :)
"cikkin" said…
huhu..ibu kite pon camtu.."kne buat cmni..nnti org kate.." " ..nnti org tgk..blablabla.." aduh..smpi kite x mo beli perabot pon die pakse jugak.." kang org tgk perabot lame kang..ape plak diorg kate.." adehh~
kite nk cut cost die lg laa menmbah..huhu..
tp pape pon..sy syg ibu saye..=))
Yana said…
same la cm mak kte jgk..."jgn cm2...nti org kate ape plak" "kne wat cmni"...haha~ ikt jelah klau bantah sgt plak nti dia xnk ambik tau lgsg lg ssh kte kn...=) kte pon ader jiran2 cm2 gak...ptg2 ble kte balik kje, ader la 2 3 org dtg tlg watkn bunga telur...haha~ best n meriah....happy preparing kecik!!
Cik Belle said…
haha, mak aku pun sama! suka sangaat fikir apa orang kata... haish..

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