engagement & wedding dress
Bridal Butique hunt! oh..to be specific, in Alor Setar.
jawdrop with prices & the designs. with a very different of reasons.
the prices kinda cheap, compared to KL. much cheaper! untuk sewa baju, tempah design baru, siap dengan manik2 whatever, the price is around rm150!! waaahh...ternganga aku! untuk sewa pakej tunang, that will include pelamin, hantaran, baju, mekap, is around rm800.perrghh..biar betul. rm800 kalo kt kl, baru dpt sepasang baju. hukhuk..tersedak sekejap.
ok2..bertenang2 budak kecik.
(asik nganga je..kang besar mulut drp badan..hehe)
tp of course aku maintain cool..control xmau terbeliak mata sangat.
pusing punya pusing..7 butik selamat dijelajahi.
the design..mak oi..meriah benor. bersinar2 mata makngah..haha. segala manik penuh satu baju n kain, segala batu2 berkilauan..
no offence, but i dream of a simple n nice wedding dress.
(my mom mesti complaint ni..my lovely mom is like those typical makcik2, yg nak kaler meriah2, manik berjuntai2, baru la betoi baju pengantin..omg, pls help!)
dh merayau2 satu hari..i almost forgot that my dream engagement dress is a simple n nice baju kurung moden chiffon. sebab mcm lg murah je sewa..takpon tempah lace kt sana. huhu..tidak..tidak..i still want the chiffon.
godek2 facebook jumpa this lovely wedding pictures..
cantik gak baju dia.
the prices kinda cheap, compared to KL. much cheaper! untuk sewa baju, tempah design baru, siap dengan manik2 whatever, the price is around rm150!! waaahh...ternganga aku! untuk sewa pakej tunang, that will include pelamin, hantaran, baju, mekap, is around rm800.perrghh..biar betul. rm800 kalo kt kl, baru dpt sepasang baju. hukhuk..tersedak sekejap.
ok2..bertenang2 budak kecik.
(asik nganga je..kang besar mulut drp badan..hehe)
tp of course aku maintain cool..control xmau terbeliak mata sangat.
pusing punya pusing..7 butik selamat dijelajahi.
the design..mak oi..meriah benor. bersinar2 mata makngah..haha. segala manik penuh satu baju n kain, segala batu2 berkilauan..
no offence, but i dream of a simple n nice wedding dress.
(my mom mesti complaint ni..my lovely mom is like those typical makcik2, yg nak kaler meriah2, manik berjuntai2, baru la betoi baju pengantin..omg, pls help!)
dh merayau2 satu hari..i almost forgot that my dream engagement dress is a simple n nice baju kurung moden chiffon. sebab mcm lg murah je sewa..takpon tempah lace kt sana. huhu..tidak..tidak..i still want the chiffon.
godek2 facebook jumpa this lovely wedding pictures..
cantik gak baju dia.
the bride's name ili liyana. friend's of a friend. she's a photographer.
the pelamin also lovely. haih..bestnye tgk.
source: syokkawin.com
source: syokkawin.com
baju ni pon cantik. simple je. tapi i want the pink color change to plum color. ok tak? oh..dreaammm...dreaamm..dreaamm..tiba2 menyanyi. haha. as for now, i stick to pink for the engagement, white songket for the nikah n plum + white for the reception.
chiffon is a good choice untuk engagement, i rasala. hehe. die macam lembut2, beralun2, lawa jerk.. go for chiffon. hehe.
erm, baju ili liyana tuh macam dr rumah kebaya aje xsilap.. memang lawa baju die ek. i shuke.. hihi
i jatuh cinta ngn chiffon..padahal org dh buat pakai raya. i nk pakai engage..hehe..bior la..sendiri puas hati kan..
ye laa!! i terus bukak website rumah kebaya..mmg betul sbijik. haha..mesti mahal x hingat.huhu...jamu mata je la..