ideas for solemnization & reception dress
klik. klik. jumpa kat facebook pics ni.
source: facebook wan shahril mustapha (the photographer) & farah nurwahidah (the bride)
macam tertarik pulak tengok one piece dress camni.
tapi sesuaikah untuk diri ku ini?
baju nikah
the beautiful bride.
baju sanding by salleh citra (kalau tak silap)
ouch..she is so angel! see the details of the dress.
superb lovely. n the shoes too!
source: facebook wan shahril mustapha (the photographer) & farah nurwahidah (the bride)
macam tertarik pulak tengok one piece dress camni.
tapi sesuaikah untuk diri ku ini?

superb lovely. n the shoes too!
ok! mula berangan! hahaha.. i tried to search for the designer name, salleh citra. but couldn't find one. tapi tiba-tiba terbaca kat majalah nona, nama salleh citra ni. design dia mmg ala2 cam gini. tapi camna nk reach dia? huhu..macam mampu je nk bayar.. takpe, berangan tu x salah kan. mana tau menang RM100K dari Petronas ke Shell. melompat mcm monyet aku..haa.. *berangan lagi*
mama saya suruh cari doorgift tunang yang less than RM 1 per piece but unique and nice. waahh!! susah tu..bagi pembaris ke pemadam je lah, saya cakap. pastu mama malas nak layan. in other word, pergi la cari sampai dapat yang ok. uh...serabut minda ku! pelisss..any idea?
thanks cik belle!
mag pengantin feb x smpat beli. =(
thanks alot for the sharing the info.