bukan marah, tapi nasihat..

(ayat filem P.Ramlee..hihi)

i dunno for how many times i repeated this. "IT'S JUST A ONE DAY EVENT!"

last time, maybe it just a reminder to myself before the wedding. but guess what, it was the best reminder ever to me. n today, after 5 months of marriage i still would say it is the best reminder. 

dah nak start cuti sekolah ni, maka jemputan kawin pun bertimbun2 la kan. 
Congratulation dearies! :)
it's been a while since i left the old blogger bride group. with my own reasons. 
(better be seriously respect of my decision..n better stay that way.heh!)

tapi recently, i'd been add in back in a new group. so, terdetik nak post pasal ni. kawan2 aku pun ramai jugak nak kawen dalam masa2 terdekat ni. 

 i know wedding preparation can be so stressful. Here's some advice from a 'senior'. hahaha..senior la sangat kan.

1. please take note, it's not all about you. the majlis represent more about your family. so, everyone dah bersusah payah. so semua org deserve to enjoy the day. you, yourself need to calm down n enjoy the day. redha ja apa2 last minutes changes. no need to blow up, n hurt others' feeling for a small thing. menda tu satu hari je pun..ko nak sakitkan hati org rasa sampai mati tau. especially mak ayah n sedara mara.

2. yes, semua org nak beautiful, awesome, perfect wedding. pastu bila tgk wedding2 orang mula la hati menyetan. dengki jeles semua ada. orang buat, kita nak buat. come on~ stay on your feet! define the word beautiful, awesome, perfect. is it because of the pelamin? the make up? the walkaway? the deco? the baju? or is it because, semua enjoy the day? u can see laughter n joy every where..? u can see long lost friends and family meet up with the happy tears? it's up to you. cantik tu subjektif. :) org dh blk belum sampai kt keta pon dah tak ingat pon pelamin ko rupa camne td, eyeshadow ko warna apa td.. but the happy feelings will remain much longer.

3. banyak2 berdoa. buat solat hajat. buat solat istikharah. istikharah bukan utk pilih jodoh semata2 je ye kawan2.. mintak tolong Allah bantu kita, buat pilihan terbaik dan permudahkan segala urusan. tak kisah la pilihan vendor ke, pilihan colour ke, pilihan kad ke. TERBAIK daripada Allah.. mungkin kita nampak pilihan A lagi best, canggih manggih, awesome habis.. but we don't know mungkin ada hal yg akan berlaku dan tiba2 menda tu tak siap, or buruk..padahal pilihan B yg lek2 cool je, ok ja semuanya. we just don't know..so that's why, doa byk2, buat solat sunat, minta pada Allah.

4. marriage is beautiful dan suci. Islam sangat menggalakkan perkahwinan yang sah. ko bayangkan, masa dah kawin, senyum kt suami pun dapat pahala berkoyan2. tu belum ambikkan air ke, masakkan ke, lahirkan anak ke..pegang tangan pun dapat pahala. best kan.. sebab tu lah syaitannirajim akan bersungguh2 tikam2 utk halang kita dapat pahala byk2 tu. kang nnti xde geng aa ngn dia. masa niat nk kawen tu lah nk melenting2, nak marah2, nak merajuk2.. pahala kawen katalah 100ribu..bila kita dok maki hamun sana sini, kumpul2 dosa sana sini, tinggal la 10. sabar byk2 ok..

5. avoid negative vibes. and avoid being the negative vibes!!!  jaga maruah diri. jaga maruah keluarga. aku dulu masa nak kawen, takut gila cakap bukan2 pasal org lain...tak kisah la family ke kawan ke orang luar yg tak berapa nak kenal ke.. Allah bayar cash beb. takut sgt kot2 it will come back kt aku or family aku. katalah ada problem ngn mak or ayah, n nk mintak pandangan, cari org yg boleh dipercayai..bestfren. or some people lg comfortable cakap dgn org yg tak kenal dia, then look for ustaz/ustazah or kaunselor. kalo ko kata mak ayah ko buruk perangai, by telling people that, orang hanya akan kata "kesian". tp dalam hati..patut lah ko pun ikut sama. haa..amik ko. kita nk kawen kalo boleh sampai akhirat, mungkin balasan bukan sampai skang tapi lps kawen. so, please..jaga hati. bersihkan jiwa. cewah~ 

tu ja bebelan utk hari ini.


aku minta maaf kalau ada yang terasa, this post is nothing directly to anyone. cuma ingatan. 
dulu ini yang selalu aku pesan kt diri sendiri. tak caya tanya qistin. aku pun penah went tru phase meroyan sebelum kawen. i asked her to keep remind me all this. :) thanks weh.


Syima Syaz said…
agree! i made a stupid mistake by telling the whole world about my stupid doorgift n my MIL.. n now... im 10000x regret..
dyll basri said…
Syima, jgn regret. Teruskan ke depan dan jgn buat lg.
Sometimes kita perlukan org (even x knal hati budi) utk luahkan masalah. But remeber bebeh, most of the time, our life is with our family. Baik ke buruk, tu la asal.usul kita. Small2 thing put aside sudaaaa. Norma kehidupan kan.
Nanie said…
i luv ur entry.. subhanallah sgt memberi erti.. thanks for advice :)

salm ukhuwah dr nanie.. jemputlah singgah ke blog nanie..
Nurulhuda|Adlie said…
cant imagine myself bitching about my family / private matter publicly, unacceptable. thanks for the reminder!
Mrs Kecik said…
syima: takpe lah. dah lepas. dah selamat dah..mmg time2 stress mcm2 bleh terlupa.tmbh2 terlupa diri. atleast it can be a lesson to learn.

dyll: betul tu..tapi kena betul caranya. boleh mmg boleh. tapi byk caranya. tp say it out publicly is not one of the way. makan diri blk one day.

nanie: thanks nanie for dropping by. insyaAllah.

huda: ramai lg org went tru something even WORSE drp kita ni kan..x bermaksud diaorg tak say it out LOUDLY tu maksudnya diorg xde masalah kan..berpesan2 kepada kebaikan. cewaaahhh~~ ustazah sgt aku ni.
me too. regret.

i told the whole world that im a bitch!

Amalina said…
nicely said nasrah! didnt really know what happened to the group..but i do agree..sharing your personal prob in public (eventho it was a close group) is not so wise la..lebey2 lagi bile kite nak kahwin and nak join family sebelah hubby..kahwin ni bukan utk suka2..kne cari keberkatan dan keredhaan..psl kahwin pon nak bergado..bile dah kawen camne?still nak share masalah kite kat public?..like..mak mentua I nak I beraye kat kampung dia, but I nak balik kampung I..gitu?owh my..maluuu! it is just a one day event..and within a month, u will already forget all the hiccups as life moves on.
QueenBz said…
aku setuju jugak hokey! :)
nasib baiklah aku bukan blogger tegar! hehe
Moose said…
nicely put and said. couldn't agree more. aku rasa dulu aku pernah tulis jugak pasal hal ni, as a self-reminder. yela, sometimes you'd get overexcited on planning the wedding sampai terlupa benda yang penting, marriage itself.

wedding is just a few hours event. tak berbaloi kot kalau YOU got the wedding of YOUR dream tapi kalau banyak hati yang merana, terasa, berduka because of your dream.

i would rather have a not so perfect wedding but a marriage that is full of blessing.
Bushra Tajuddin said…
well said nasrah.

setuju dgn moose. i'd prefer a blessed marriage rather than a perfect wedding. :D
viruze-ping said…
nice info.reminder for myself as a new b2b

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