Ministry of Moment : Just Click 'LIKE' Contest!

*sticky post* Scroll down for latest post Ministry of Moment : Just Click 'LIKE' Contest! i would like to share with you a contest yang tengah running sekarang by Ministry Of Moment ! Ever heard of them? gilo ko kalo tak pernah. they are one of the big names in photography industry. stok2 wedding artis diorang ni cover tau. they started from the CandidSyndrome, sekarang dah jadi their own MINISTRY. lagi gempak tu. hehe.. saya tak pernah berani nak request quotation from them.. takut kempunan je. jadinya, hanya layan2 gambar2 diorang je. pastu berangan mode pun ON. mula lah~~ nanti nak amik gamba camni lah..nak pose camni lah.. kih kih kih. *verangan itu indah. free plak tu* pastu dengan tiba-tiba dapat tau pasal contest ni. and the prize ialah FREE photography package worth RM2,000 (inclusive of an album). Not only that, 2 of you could also win 30% off for any photography package you choose! hamik ko! menggigil aku nak join ni. boleh tangkap nangis kalau menang ni. bismillah...