STD is really a disease
a BIG NO NO!! STD is not Sexually transmitted disease.
but it is SAVE THE DATE! dan aku terberjangkit dengan cik belle,
yang dah upload dia punya STD, aku jadi teruja nak buat jugak.
thanks to free software from the internet dan usaha gigihku, i finally have my own STD.
aku buat 2 versions.
my side and his side.
really proud of myself! syabas betteh!
but it is SAVE THE DATE! dan aku terberjangkit dengan cik belle,
yang dah upload dia punya STD, aku jadi teruja nak buat jugak.
thanks to free software from the internet dan usaha gigihku, i finally have my own STD.
aku buat 2 versions.
my side and his side.
really proud of myself! syabas betteh!
here's the preview.
as of my side yang konon-kononnya bak kata WP, berkonsepkan english theme, maka jadilah my STD is english (ape kaitan?) and more colourful & cheerful.
while for his side, the theme will be konon-konon traditional, so aku buatkan lebih sopan dan kemelayuan gitu.

see, the different characters of me in those pictures. i memang drama queen. nak shooting pun kena berdialog drama, baru boleh feel. haha.. both std akan digunakan utk event di fb. tapi belum punyai keyakinan diri nak upload lagi skrg. haha..debor weh. (tp belum nak nangis la..hahaha)
std tu were edited using picnik (recommended by cik belle) and photoscape which i'd been using since studying. dua2 tu free software. dan user friendly.
thanks to those yang helping up bg idea and comments.
a formal invitation will follow later.
somewhere in May, insyaAllah.
skang tgh pening check guestlist, harap2 cukup kad ni.
thanks to those yang helping up bg idea and comments.
a formal invitation will follow later.
somewhere in May, insyaAllah.
skang tgh pening check guestlist, harap2 cukup kad ni.
macam nak buat STD jugak laa..muhahah..
character mmg nampk berbeza dlm 2 pic tu but both chumilll la :)
fiena: hehe..abang pahlawan ku. haha..
mai: nk reserve std ke ape?
dba: hahahahaha! tu baru dua. belum yg lain2 lg.
lisa: hehe..drama queen biasa la.
nana: thank you nana!
niza: i loike jugak. haha..