review : close up hantaran

as per requested, aku kasik close-up sikit. tapi 2 ketul je lah. nak cepat ni. nak balik kg suami dah ni. dia dah menunggu di sebelah ni. hihi.. disebabkan sayang korang aa ni. ececeh..

from him to me
tema putih
artificial flowers

from me to him
tema purple+pink


lovelyadibah said…
wah..SK II :)mcm si kecil plak:)n teringat sk adam.hehe..comel sgt!iloike:)
Unknown said…
perghhh hehehe SK II tueeeee heheheh...cntik hntrn heheh
"cikkin" said…
cantik!! SK 11 sempena si kecil ke? hee~
puan nasrah..theme hantaran kite lebih kurang juge..heheh..=)
OmakTwin said…
Cantiknye hantaran!!!! so sweet
oi, kedekut gambo! more pls? nk jadikan idola ;)
cikFM said…
cantik.. bunge putih tu nmpk real fresh.. hehe
Ajwedding said…
lawooo hantaran..bantal tu,,sewa x..hehehhe
Unknown said…
siyes artificial flower??nmpk macam fresh flower sangat!cantik!:D
Anonymous said…
cantiknya..kt mane nk dapatkan hiasan kt sudut2 tepi 2?
puteriraifana said…
cantik! idolalah!hehe (~_^).pinjam skII boleh?hiks
cantek hantaran.....serious cantek :)
Alia said…
wah.... skII!!!!! nak pinjam skII tu jugakkkkkkkkk.... hehehe
Ms ALiN-D said…
thanks sikecil...cantek la..rose putih tu nmpk fresh...leh guna wat hias kt umah plak ;)
LisaLisut said…
wow...SK2 okk. si kecik = SK . hehehe.semua cantik please!!
Anonymous said…
sweet dgn bunga2an...mia suke

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