i feel bad

living in johor. wedding in kedah. good stuffs in kl. time constraints. i lived in kl for 9 years. most of my friends are there. most of my family in kedah. since i live here in johor, i have very limited time for my family, fiance n friends. and even for myself.

i always face the situation 2 or 3 things to do at one time. always.


i feel bad. i feel very bad.

my fiance take a day leave to spend time with me.

my friends are having gathering on that day and they choose that day because they want me to be there.

my dearie sister & her husband are moving to a new house n need help on that day.

i only have that particular day to hunt for the stuffs requested by my mom before going back to kedah.

ya Allah. i want to do all that.

my dearest fiance will always understand. he'll be with me all the time. i know that. my plan will be, helping up my sister in the morning. meeting up friends in the afternoon. buying stuffs in the whole evening. dinner n movie with my darling fiance during the night. insyaAllah.. i hope everything goes smoothly as planned. and they'll understand my situation.


cha said…
situasi i lebih kurang cam u. be strong ok?
Unknown said…
Aku pn lbh krg mcm ko..aku kt KL,tunang kt Melaka,parents kt Pahang..sudahnye aku selalu g beli brg2 persiapan sendirian..aku klu blh nk sgt2 org terdekat dgn aku sme2 hunting brg2,tp what to say..i've no choice and have to face it alone..pape pn,byk bersabar n sentiasa berfikir rasional.rancang dgn sebaiknye..slunye mmg aku akn wt byk menda dlm 1 hr tue if melibatkn persiapan kawen ni..chaiyuk kechik!!
Elya Roza said…
takpe wehh..bersusah susah dulu..bersenang2 kemudian kan?
bile dah kawen nnt, ko ingat moment2 mcm ni..mesti ko sgt bersyukurrr... :)
cik senah said…
tudia.. padatnya jadual si kecik niee.. hehe..

hermm..chek yg dok kat area KJ..en. tunag area shah alam nie pun jarang dapat jumpak sebab time keja yg tidak sama ngan en. tunang (en. tunang ada syif..chek opis hour)..ujung minggu pun kena buat appoinment ngan en. tunang if nak jumpak..

last2.. beli segala brg2 persiapan kawen thru online atau p kedai sorang2 jerr.. sedey weyyy.. dan jeles tahap gaban bila tgk pasangan2 yg bakal berkawen..pi keluaq beli brg2 kawen bersama-sama.. chek yg ada pasangan..keluaq beli brg seghupa takdak pasangan ajaa.. huhu!!

p.s : family chek pun berlambak kat kedah.. jenuh lah nak yong semua brg2 yg chek beli kat KL ke Kedah.. (ada yg kena pos..dan ada yg kena hand carry lah jawabannya.. huhu!! )
Mrs Kecik said…
cha: masih bertahan lg. cuma rasa sgt bersalah terhadap org2 terlibat.

yumie: cari barang sorang2 tu takpa lg. tp bila ada masa yg sedikit tu..mcm aku tamak. aku nak buat semua.huhu..

elya: thanks babe! betul jugak tu kan. insyaAllah one day semua akan much better.

cik senah: :) atleast ada masa nk cari sendiri kan. xpa la. nk kawen memang byk pengorbanan. lepas ni ok la insyaAllah.
missbutterfly said…
kecik..ada hikmah disebalik nya tu..ko mesti kuat dan tabah..aku pun 'sama size kasut' dgn ko jgk..tak semua org kuat mcm kita..chiyokk!!
farahfatihah said…
insya'allah boleh..sabar n b strong =)
oshinz said…
fuh.. fengsan la gitu.
Mrs Kecik said…
jaja: ko pakai size berapa? aku pakai size 5. heheh..

farah: thanks! :)

oshinz: hahahaha..harap2 tak pengsan. kalo pengsan lg susah. semua tak setel.
LisaLisut said…
ooo LDR ke..huhu...just 1 word - be strong huhu(pdhal kalau kene kat i cnfirm aku makan hati kurus keding hehe)

*tetiba rasa syukur sbb anytime anyday i can meet my fiance and balik Seremban to see my famly.huhu*

missbutterfly said…
hahaha...mmg sama la tu..aku pong size 5 gak!!hahahaha
nizabeba said…
plan baik2 k..be strong & enjoy the moment ko spend ngn dorg ya.. =)
"cikkin" said…
sabar ye cik..mereka akan faham..=)
~ mizzAmy ~ said…
ur situation nak sama tapi thanks god i stay kat KL n my fiance pun kat KL. cuma kawan2 semua kat KL. time wedding nanti tak tau berapa kerat yg sanggup ke terengganu. T___T
Anonymous said…
sabar my dear..dugaan time bertunang. i.Allah pas kawen mesti u igt time wedding preps ni. ^__^
ok, mmg padat..tpae..insyalah sume akan faham.=)
cik senah said…
kecik : chek shopping brg2 kawen dgn teknologi di hujung jari ja punn.. tak remba langsung ke Jalan TAR..Semua House dan lain2 tempat lagik yg b2b lain suka menyinggah beli brg2 kawenn.. hehe :)
assalamualaikum si kecil,

yeay! jumpa kamu kembali. saya kehilangan link kamu tau. sob.

hugs you. johor kat mana dear?

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